About the YTILI Fellowship Program
The Young Transatlantic Innovation Leaders Initiative (YTILI) Fellowship Program is an opportunity for young European business professionals to expand their networks, gain perspective, and engage with the U.S. business sector to exchange innovative ideas and best practices. The program includes a virtual component, a three-week Fellowship in the United States, and the opportunity for continued engagement after Fellows return home. Please note that if safe travel is not possible at the time of the YTILI Fellowship, this program will be conducted virtually or postponed.
Each selected YTILI Fellow will:
Partake in virtual leadership and professional development activities throughout the program.
Be matched with a three-week, full-time fellowship placement host in a U.S. organization focused on issues relating to the Fellow's work at home.
Gain first-hand knowledge about U.S. business institutions and build relationships with American counterparts.
Receive comprehensive on-program support. Travel and living arrangements will be covered as well as emergency health benefits on program.
Become part of a prestigious alumni network with access to valuable resources and an international network of like-minded professionals.
Program Elements
The Fall 2025 Program will consist of the following elements:
Entrepreneurship and Professional Development Curriculum
The program will begin with a virtual program launch to provide an overview of the virtual activities
Fellows will participate in on online entrepreneurship course designed to strengthen competencies in networking, leadership, management, and business
Fellows will participate in a professional development session and one-on-one calls with American experts prior to the U.S.-based exchange
Professional Fellowship
Fellows will participate in a virtual Pre-Departure Orientation as well as an arrival orientation and integrated professional study tour in a U.S. city
Fellows will spend three weeks in an individually tailored fellowship experience working in a U.S. placement host organization
Fellows will participate in a community service opportunity to engage with a U.S. community and participate in civic engagement
Fellows will develop a follow-on Action Plan proposal to complete a project that meets a specific objective and builds on their participation in the YTILI Fellowship Program
Closing Program
At the conclusion of the fellowship, Fellows will participate in a program-wide conference in Washington, DC
The closing program will bring together Fellows for the opportunity to network and collaborate
The closing program offers exposure to speakers and workshops designed to further Fellows’ professional competencies
Alumni Engagement Opportunities
Fellows will design follow-on Action Plans to address challenges encountered in their home community
Fellows will be eligible to invite a U.S. placement host from the fellowship placement to implement a Reciprocal Exchange Project in the Fellow’s home community
Fellows will be eligible to participate in Regional Alumni Accelerator Workshops
Program Dates
Virtual activities for Fall 2025 will tentatively launch in July 2025, with approximately one live session per week until Fellows travel to the United States. Some professional asynchronous activities may accompany each live session. The U.S.-based exchange is tentatively scheduled from September - October 2025 (pending travel restrictions).